PBU President on Latala’s Case

Witold Stachnik, President of the Polish Bridge Union (PBU),  posted on BridgeWinners.com the followings:

“One of the most important international bridge directors deliberately violated International Bridge Law, PBU rules, but also ethics and common human decency.

I really don’t know how it is possible to write that he just wanted to know only the current score (which was forbidden in the rules, and someone who is the director knows it very well) by entering his own bridge table as the “invisible” by other yellow BBO nickname.

Although the case lasted for over six months, the PBU maintained a high level of discretion in this matter. Because it was about such an important person.

Before I referred the case to the Disciplinary Department, I received signals from many interested parties.

I would like to remind and emphasize that the PBU Discipline Department relied mainly on materials provided individually by outraged witnesses (participants of these games).”


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