Ron Klinger: Curiosities in the New WBF VP Scale

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16 teams, 15-match round-robin, Teams A-J all score net 50 Imps, but their VP total varies. Results of 12 teams and hypothetical results based on the 16-board VP scale:

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Although all teams scored the same number of net Imps, the semi-finalists would again be Teams L, K, J, I. It’s not the number of Imps you score, but how you score them that counts.

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Thus Team X, with net 40 Imps, again finishes third, ahead of many teams that scored 50 Imps, but in different fashion. Team Y, with net 35 Imps, comes fourth ahead of many with net 50 Imps.


Ron Klinger

IBPA (International Bridge Press Association) Bulletin n. 586 November, 2013

Editor: John Carruthers


More articles about the new VP Scale: click here >>


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