Norberto Bocchi’s interviews (5): Michel Bessis

Bocchi interviews M. Bessis

Taking advantage of the 4th International Open Bridge of Barcelona,  an international player, the WGM Norberto Bocchi interviews the best bridge players participating in the event for CSBNews. Now online his interview to the French star Michel Bessis.

Michel is married with Veronique Bessis (a bridge professional too) and have two sons: Thomas and Olivier.  With his son Thomas, they form one of the most successful pairs of  today’s WW bridge, his last major win was in the 4º TGRs Auction Pairs  where they managed to finish first with a 74.3% performance in the last session, playing against many of the best pairs in the world.

Michel Bessis is the head teacher of  Bridge Academy an online bridge academy, with the participation of his wife, sons, Alain Levy, Julien Clément, Frédérique Anne Levy and others.

Norberto Bocchi interviews Michel Bessis

Norberto Bocchi: How have you been captured by bridge?

Michel Bessis: Bridge captured me because there is never anything definitive, every day you can learn and there is always something new to learn in bridge.


NB: Which system do you play with your partner?

MB: V Major French style with strong two-level openings.


NB: How would you describe your bridge style?

MB: I think a solid style.


NB: Which is the first bridge book you read?

MB: It was so many years ago, I think i do not remember anymore!


NB: Is there a player who influenced your game?

MB: Christian Mari


NB: Which is the best quality a partner can have?

MB: Best partner’s skill is keeping concentrantion.


NB:  Which is your favourite tournament?

MB: Cavendish and Biarritz.


NB:  What is your most memorable happy moment at the bridge table?

MB: Surely the greatest joy came when I won the European Championships in Antalya (2007) where I played with my son Thomas.


NB: Apart from your regular partner, who would you like to play with in an important tournament?

MB: Alfredo Versace


NB: Which teammates would you like to have?

MB: Helgemo – Helness and Bocchi -Madala


NB: Is there anything you do to avoid bad luck at the bridge table?

MB: No superstition.


NB: What is your favourite music? Are you a sports fan, e.g. football? Which is your favourite actor or actress?

MB: I love Beethoven.  I like athletics and football. I’m a supporter of PSG (Paris Saint-Germanin) and Barcellona. My favourite actors are Jean Gabin and Nicolas Cage.


NB:  What do you do in your spare time when you are not playing bridge?

MB: I’m very fond of horse racing.


Thanks, Michel!

Adios y hasta muy pronto



Michel Bessis picture is courtesy of Elisabeth van Ettinger (NewInbridge)

February 3, 2013

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