Camrose Trophy 2012: First weekend – Results

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The England, after the first weekend, is leading the Camrose Trophy by 99 VPs (average 20); in second place trails Scotland (82); then come Wales (78), SBU (Scottish Bridge Union) 71; Ireland 63, North Ireland 56 (average 11,2).

The England didn’t start with the right foot: in the first match they drew against North Ireland, but losing by 3 IMPs (so no difference in VPs); a very poor performance against the weaker team of the event, until now.

North Ireland, infacts, has lost all the matches but the one against England. So, before the last round of yesterday, England and Wales were tied at 74, while Scotland trailed at 64. The two heads met each other in the last round and England has won by a terrible 25-4 over Wales, who slipped from the first place to the third.

The next weekend will be on March 2-4 in East Kilbride, in Scotland; it’s near Glasgow; the Gaelic name is Cille Bhrìghde an Ear. There, between the rivers Rotten Calder and White Cart, some asking will have reply to. Is England indeed so strong to humiliate the title holders by +21? Or were Welsh distracted? Which role will still feature North Ireland? They cannot win the trophy, of course, but are courageous enough to become the destiny’s sword. What about Ireland and Scottish Bridge Union? It were expected a better performance from both.

Last question is about Scotland; they are trailing 17; it is by no means little handicap, but they play home: generally speaking this could make some difference, as demonstrated by The Netherlands in Bermuda Bowl. However, in the case of Scotland, the home factor could be worthless: it is well known in all the world, infacts, that Scottish people are very hospitable to strangers, so all the players of all the teams – and all the visitors – will feel in East Kilbride as in their own home; all friends and so much for the home factor.

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Paolo Enrico Garrisi

January 09, 2012

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