Bridge System Champion

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BSCWe invite all bridge players to compete in this new “challenge” between systems. It will be a way to compare, in addition to the value of the players, the effectiveness of the various types of agreements with only one constraint: compare on equal terms, making available prior to the “challenge” their Convention cards and always properly alerting all meanings or signals used by the couple artificial licite.

Have fun everyone, registration is officially open!


The Bridge System Champion, hereinafter BSC, is a challenge to international bridge teams on an annual basis subject to the following



  • The competition is for teams whose players have the sole constraint of having to play all the same system from start to finish.
  • In BSC Challenge are allowed all bidding systems, without exception, HUM inclused, without limitation and/or restriction.
  • In the current inaugural BSC challenges will be of the type knockout (KO) with meetings usually 128 hands (4 segments from 8 to 32 or 16 hands) without prejudice to the final surviving teams who will play 256 hands (8 16 32 16 hands or by segments).
  •  Each KO will be contested on BBO or other similar platform over a period of up to one month (two months) final
  • The matches will be played with time and established by the management on a weekly basis, and only in the event of difficulties in participation, will be agreed upon by the captains officially indicating by at least a day on the site the date and time agreed. Only in the absence of agreement between the two captains and reasoned submissions by each contender, the match will be played as unquestionably and unequivocally established by management after hearing and considering the needs of both teams.
  • The Organization, regulation, results and any other information about the BSC will be published on the website
  • Each BSC can join the top 256 teams who will formalise their intention to enroll by May 30 of this year and that, together with the subscription request, send an email of their captain, the system played, forming the same couple and any CC you want on any days and times for game saves and/or excluded at the following electronic address
  • The teams will be identified with the name of the system played followed by surname of Captain and grouped in the first phase, by geographical area, avoiding to clash, in the early stages, the teams that play the same kind of system.
  • On registration and recording of the team each pair participant must send a file in word format of your cc so that all participants in the challenge may predispose an adequate defense to the auction system opponent and can verify that the explanations received and/or individual play.
  •  Alternatively you can publish the same c.c. of F. I. G. B. or that of W.B. F or the ACBL is available at the following address:
  • The c.c. of each pair participant will then be made available for consultation to all the participants in the challenge at:
  • Please note that all participants will be required to alert their licite conventional, to allow later also controls on the correspondence of the explanations given to the system played. (This is mainly to avoid disputes and permit the regularity in the development of the race.)
  • The players on one team will have to play the same basic system, although they are tolerant variants of couple who still does not alter the plant and nature. The approval of this requirement is unquestionably remitted to the Organization of the event in the person of Mary Beatrice Strizzi, as federal judge, referee also any other proceedings, except in matters concerning meetings which concern him directly and/or indirectly, if necessary.
  • As a last resort and for any regulatory issue we shall conform to the decisions of the referee boss Maurizio Di Sacco, at whose discretion will still be subjected most relevant disputes.
  • Each Captain will deploy no more than eight players in his team over the same.
  • Please note that to change the timetable will be necessary, from time to time, the prior consent of both captains traceable and the endorsement of the direction.
  •  Unilateral renunciation to only one segment of each meeting will result in the loss of the entire match for scratch (or abandon).
  • At the time of registration the captains should communicate to the Secretariat the “Nick” that Challengers will use to play on BBO, since only subscribers will be allowed to participate in competitions;
  • Nick on BBO (Bridge Base Online) of the organizers are: lion111 (Maria Beatrice Strizzi), martor2la (Pietro Martorelli)
  • Most salient phases of the competition results will be available on the magazine Neapolitan Club, courtesy of her manager Paolo Enrico Garrisi.
  • Players of the winning team gets the title fortress “Bridge System Champion” for the current year and which can defend the following year, against the team that comes out a winner from the selective phase, as described in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, n.n. on distance of 512 hands (32 16 16 32 hands or segments from) to be held within four months.



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