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Annotations by Rhoda Walsh on the 1 Notrump game forcing response in the “2 over 1 game forcing system” (Walsh System). We publish here the paragraphs 4 and 5 of Chapter Three. The Chapter Three is devoted to Responder’s Rebids. These are the points Rhoda explains us today: §4.Opener Rebids 2♠ after a 1♥opening bid; §5. Opener Rebids 2NT after a 1♥ or 1♠opening bid. You can consult the index of the articles by Rhoda we have already published: click here >>.
Walsh System Notes
Forcing Notrump
Chapter III Responder’s Rebids
§4.Opener Rebids 2♠ after a 1♥ opening bid: 1♥-1NT; 2♠.
Minimum of six hearts and five spades; 15+ HCP; game forcing
Rationale for the 6-5 major minimum: Responder denied a four or more card spade suit by responding 1NT. Thus, there is little need for Opener to show a four card spade suit and the guarantee of a five card spade suit facilitates the auction after the reverse.
2NT by Responder:1♥-1NT; 2♠-2NT. An artificial systemic response indicating a minimum hand (approximately 6 to 8 HCP). It denies a two card heart fit, and it denies a three card spade fit. It also denies a side seven or more card minor.
Opener’s rebids:
a) Holding 2-0 in the minors, if Opener wishes to make a slam try, she bids her two card minor at the three level over Responder’s 2NT response: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-2NT; 3♣/3♦. Game forcing.
b) With a game going hand but no slam interest: Opener jump rebids 4♥. Nonforcing. Responder either passes or corrects to 4♠ (signoff).
Three of a minor by Responder:1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣/3♦. Seven or more card suit. 9 to 11 HCP. Denies two or more hearts. Denies three or more spades. Forcing to four of Responder’s minor by either Opener or Responder.
Opener’s rebids holding a two card fit for Responder’s minor:
a) With a minimum: Opener raises Responder’s minor to the four level: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣/3♦; 4♣/4♦. Game invitational.
b) With extra values: Opener raises Responder’s minor to the five level: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣/3♦; 5♣/5♦. Signoff.
c) With slam interest: Opener cue bids her void in the other minor: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣; 3♦. Forcing to game in Responder’s minor. Slam invitational.
Opener’s rebids holding fewer than two cards in Responder’s minor
Opener rebids 3♥, forcing to 3NT, four of Responder’s minor, or game in one of Opener’s majors.
Responder’s rebids over 3♥ by Opener (1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣/ 3♦; 3♥):
– With two or fewer spades and one heart: Responder raises to 4♥. Signoff.
– With two spades and zero hearts: Responder bids 3♠. Forcing.
– With one or zero spades and zero hearts: Responder rebids her seven card minor at the four level: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♣/3♦; 3♥-4♣/4♦. Nonforcing.
3♥ by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♥. Shows two or three hearts. Does not deny three spades. Game forcing.
Responder’s heart raise shows a non-constructive single raise, with three card heart fit and 6 to 7 PSP, or a preference with two hearts and good 8 to 14 HCP.
Opener’s rebids:
a) With a minimum (15 to 17 HCP), Opener bids 4♥. Nonforcing.
b) With extra values (18+ HCP), Opener cue bids up-the-line (game forcing, slam invitational), bids 4NT, RKCB, or bids Exclusion RKCB in hearts, depending on her strength, distribution, and controls: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3♥; 3♠/4♣/4♦/4NT/5♣/5♦.
3 ♠ by Responder: 1♥-1NT-2 ♠-3 ♠. Shows three spades. Denies two or more hearts. 8 to 10 PSP. Game forcing.
Note: Responder’s original 1NT response denied four or more spades.
Opener’s rebids: Same as after a 3♥ rebid by Responder (see “3♥ by Responder” immediately above).
3NT by Responder:1♥-1NT; 2♠-3NT. 9 to 12 HCP. Denies two or more hearts. Denies three or more spades. Shows length and strength in both minors. Nonforcing.
Opener’s rebids . Typically, Opener passes: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-3NT; Pass. Rationale: the misfit indicates slam is unlikely; however, if Opener has great strength (18+ HCP), she makes a quantitative raise to 4NT. Nonforcing. Slam invitational.
4♣ (or 4♦) by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-4♣/4♦. Splinter (singleton or void) in clubs (diamonds) in support of hearts. 8 to 9 HCP. Three hearts. Game forcing.
Opener’s rebids: depending on her strength and distribution, Opener either signs off in 4♥, cue bids up-the-line, or bids 4NT, 1430 RKCB in hearts.
4 ♥ by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-4♥. Delayed three card limit raise. 10 to 12 PSP. Nonforcing. Slam invitational.
Opener’s rebids: depending on her strength and distribution, Opener either passes 4♥, cue bids up-the-line, or bids 4NT, 1430 RKCB in hearts.
4♠ by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-4♠. Three card limit raise. 10 to 12 PSP. Nonforcing. Slam invitational.
Opener’s rebids: depending on her strength and distribution, Opener either passes 4♠, cue bids up-the-line, or bids 4NT, 1430 RKCB in hearts.
4NT by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2♠-4NT. 1430 RKCB in spades (the last naturally bid suit).
§5. Opener Rebids 2NT after a 1♥ or 1♠ opening bid: 1♥/1♠-1NT; 2NT.
Balanced 18 to 19 HCP; typically, 5-3-3-2; occasionally, 5-4-2-2; highly game invitational
Pass by Responder: 6 to a bad 7 HCP. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major.
Three of a minor by Responder: 1♥/1♠-1NT; 2NT-3♣/3♦. Six or more card minor. suit. 6 to 11 HCP. Denies three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Indicates highly distributional hand. Game forcing. May have slam interest.
3 ♥ by Responder after a 1♠ opening bid by Opener: 1♠-1NT; 2NT-3♥. Five or more hearts. 6+ HCP. Denies three or more spades. Game forcing.
Three of Opener’s major by Responder: 1♥-1NT; 2NT-3♥. A non-constructive single raise. 6 to 7 PSP. Three card support for Opener’s major. Highly game invitational.
3NT by Responder: 1♥/1♠-1NT; 2NT-3NT. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. A good 7 to 13 HCP. Signoff.
4♣ by Responder: 1 ♥/1 ♠-1NT; 2NT-4♣. 1430 RKCG in Opener’s major.
Four of Opener’s major by Responder: 1♥/1♠-1NT; 2NT-4♥/4♠. Delayed limit raise. 10 to 12 PSP. Three card support for Opener’s major. Nonforcing.
4NT by Responder: 1♥/1♠-1NT; 2NT-4NT.Quantitative. Balanced 14 HCP. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Originally a delayed jump to 3NT. Slam invitational.
Opener’s rebids : Opener accepts by responding standard Blackwood, holding 0,1 or 2 aces. Forcing to 5NT. Holding 3 or 4 aces, Opener jumps to six of a four card minor or 6NT.
by Rhoda Walsh (Edited by Paolo Enrico Garrisi)