Walsh No Trump Notes by Rhoda Walsh

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Rhoda_WalshRhoda Walsh, attorney, is a bridge theorist and champion: she’s WBF Grand Master and ACBL Grand Life Master; also she places 7th in all time masterpoint list for women. With Paul Soloway, John Swanson, and her ex-husband Richard Walsh, in late sixties Rhoda developed the Two-Over-One Game Forcing System, formerly known as Walsh System.

The “Notes” of Rhoda Walsh – much more than simple notes – make up a wide ranging sight on modern bidding; it is a feat which is at the same time guide for intermediate players and analytical survey for champions. Neapolitan Club has already published Walsh System Notes by Rhoda Walsh on the 1 Notrump game forcing  response  and Walsh System –  Notes by Rhoda Walsh: 1Club -1Diamond Sequences.

The Walsh No Trump Notes is the study on No Trump openings with their developments  in uncontested and contested auctions. We have parted it in ten chapters which will be published in serial form at Neapolitan Club.

Walsh No Trump Notes


by Rhoda Walsh


edited by Paolo Enrico Garrisi


I. 1NT opening. Stayman and Smolen (With terminology) (open »)

II. FITS after Stayman (open »)

III. Opponents’ interference over Stayman (open »)

IV. Jacoby Transfer and Walsh Relay (briefly described in Terminology)

V. 1NT-2♠ and 1NT-2NT. Minor suit Stayman and Club Bust, or 4-4-4-1 game force (open »)

VI. 1NT- Natural suit jump 3♣/♦/♥/♠. Game invitational

VII. 1NT- Four level responses. Texas, quantitative, key card asking

VIII. Opponents’ interference over 1NT

IX. 20-21 2NT and artificial 3NT openings



Walsh No Trump Notes by Rhoda Walsh is a Neapolitan Club production 

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