Sbarigia’s quiz # 8 – Pirate’s treasure

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 Silvio Sbarigia is a pharmacist; he was born in Rome and lives there. He has won the European championship in 1975, runner up at 1974’s and at Olympic games of 1976. His bridge problems aren’t difficult; just we need to think on a plan and to avoid the instinctive playing.


Silvio Sbarigia’s quiz 8th: “Pirate’s treasure”.

North (dummy): ♠843 A92 AK75 ♣A102

South (declarer): ♠AJ102 KQJ105 6 ♣974

Contract: 4. West leads ♣K.

Make your playing plan.

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Silvio Sbarigia’s quiz 8th: “Pirate’s treasure”.

North (dummy): ♠843 A92 AK75 ♣A102

South (declarer): ♠AJ102 KQJ105 6 ♣974

Contract: 4. West leads ♣K.


The winning tricks are one diamond, two club, one spade and five heart; the 10th trick could come from the spade double finesse: 75% of success. Cash the club Ace, then the diamond King and Ace, throwing a club. Now…wait a moment, please: maybe we already have the 10th trick; maybe it’s covert, as the loot that the pirates are accustomed to bury. Have us a treasure map? Yes, we have; open it and see: in facts, the pirates have drawn a big X over the spade. Need not finesses: we must only dig. First play the Ace, then shovel up Jack and Ten (give away), and the 10th trick comes out: ruff out the fourth spade with an high trump.

This playing plan is based on trump strength, as the deal “A” of the quiz “Twins” (n° 5).


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