Fernando Lema is vice-champion of Argentina 2011

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Our friend Fernando Lema is the vice-champion of Argentina 2011. Together with his team he finished second in the 60th Championship of the Republic of Argentina open team: Maria Loreto Cuevas, Marcelo Cracci, Fernando Lema, Adriàn Iglesias and Mauro Uberti. The title was won by the team of Pierre Pejacsevich (with  Virginia Muller, Marìa Mayorga, Walter Fornasari and Marcelo Villegras).

The Championship of Argentina was held within the International Festival of Mar de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fernando is a professional bridge player and a great journalist: with his wife Ana Roth directs the official website of the South American Confederation Bridge and the online magazine attached to it:


A storm of applause for the Champions and a big hug to Fernando and his teammates.


December 2, 2011

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