2014 Turkish Open Championships: Recap

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Angelin TeamThe 2014 Turkish Open Championships have been held in Antalya between May 3rd -11th 2014. The team Angelini has won the Open Teams Championship, which lasted for 5 daysThe team consisted of Npc Francesco Angelini, Lorenzo Lauria, Mustafa Cem Tokay, Alfredo Versace, Antonio Sementa, Leonardo Cima and Valerio Giubilo.

Yılankıran team has become the runner up (Salim Yılankıran, Süleyman Kolata, Mehmet Sırıklıoğlu, İsmail Kandemir, Okay Gür and Gökhan Yılmaz ) while the third place has been taken by the team Valio (Valio Kovachev, Vladi İsporski, Victor Aranov and Ahu Zobu ).

Vahapoğlu team has become the champion in the Women Teams Championship (Npc Haldun Vahapoğlu, Güler Vahapoğlu, Özlem Öymen, Berrak Erkan, Tuna Elmas, Güler Uyanık and Arzum Demirbilek).

Mersin Team ranked second (Ahu Zobu, Şükriye Merze, Ümran Sabancı,Merih Tokcan Dilek Yavaş and Gaye İnal).

Hoşgörü team has become the third ( Npc Süleyman Kolata, Ferda Balcıoğlu, Sırma Sanus, Nilgün Kotan, Rejin Assael, Şebnem Kökbudak and Nilüfer Sungur).

Team Valio has won the Board A Match ( BAM ) Championship (Valio Kovachev, Vladi İsporski, Victor Aranov and Ahu Zobu).

Mesut Karadeniz-Adnan Musaoğlu ranked first in the Open Pairs Championship, followed by İlker Çubukçu-Soner Çubukçu and the third place is taken by Hasan Güner- Selahattin Ayhan.


Tayfun Özbey

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