Sebastiano Scatà: Never Say Never

Laura Camponeschi: What opportunities does online bridge afford us today?

Sebastiano Scatà: I think RealBridge could be a beautiful solution: it gives you the feeling of being at the table, looking at partner and opponents, and so you can play and chat to everyone at the same time (including the TD).

LC: What is your best experience with the National team?

SS: Winning the U21 World Championships in Salsomaggiore in 2016: I cannot describe it! I have been U26 for three years now and playing in China was great, but I remember dearly winning the first medal in this category last year in the transnational in Opatija, where we got the silver medal (almost gold!) in the BAM.

LC: What does the future hold? Would you like to become a pro or are you leaning towards another profession?

SS: I am about to finish my degree in civil engineering (one exam to go) and I would like to take this to Masters level, but I will never stop playing bridge. I am in love with this game, I am ambitious and I hope to grow and win more. As a junior I do not have a European medal so I hope to get one… I never thought about becoming a pro, but, as they say, in life never say never!


Laura Camponeschi for Peace&Bridge

Originally posted at Peace&Bridge Bulletin n. 5

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