SEC: Fisher & Schwartz Hearing Feb 14, 2016

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SEC FEb 14The Special Ethics Committee (SEC) of the Israeli Bridge Federation heard its first public hearing on February 14 to discuss the accusations against Fisher-Schwartz. These were specifically the ‘Israeli Doctors’ files, where the use of strategically placed coughs were designed to impart features of a hand to partner. Named after the German doctors who have been suspended since 2014.

Fisher-Schwartz have published their rebuttal documents, in Hebrew, with videos to support their case.

Their will be at least two more hearings, 8-10 March, to discuss the ‘board theory’, this refers to the handling of the bidding tray and information that the pair in question will have used to convey information specifically for opening leads.

Laura Camponeschi


Defence Document »

Videos »


February 16, 2916:  The IBF (Israelian Bridge Federation) has published the Videos from the hearing on youtube:

You can find more details in English at BridgeWinners: click here »

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