Guido Ferraro passed away

Leggi in italiano »

guido ferraro Milano 2013Guido Ferraro, with his forelock, his smile, his good guy looking (but a bit naughty), isn’t longer with us. It was 1980, aged twenty, when he entered the international stage, with Giorgio Duboin in the junior European Team Championship. Only twelfth, but time is a gentleman, we say in Italy, he always pays its debts: soon had to come the greatest victories, until the brightest one, 2000’s Olympiad in Maastricht.

In the last three years he won the European Champions Cup with Lavazza, and in 2010 placed second in Von Zedtwitz life master pairs with Norberto Bocchi.

As any true champion, Ferraro had the skill to make strong pair with anybody; beside Bocchi and Duboin, already quoted, he paired up with Maria Teresa Lavazza, Marisa D’Andrea, Dano De Falco, Maria Erhart, and still others.

Farewell Guido; we’ll miss you.


Paolo Enrico Garrisi


Neapolitan Club’s interview to Guido Ferraro »


The funeral will be held Friday, February 21 at 2.30 pm at the church of San Lorenzo, via Ospedale 2, Giaveno, Turin (Italy).

All the bridge world pays a tribute to Guido:

European Bridge Legue (EBL) »

World Bridge Federation  (WBF) »

Italian Bridge Federation (FIGB) »

Australian Bridge Federation »

French Bridge Federation »

NewInBridge »

IMP-Bridge »

Barry Rigal, Steve Weinstein and others at Bridge Winners »

Norberto Bocchi »

Giorgio Duboin »



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