Reisinger 2011 – Sensational Six No by Alfredo Versace

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Fall 2011 NABC – Seattle –  Reisinger BAM Teams tournament. Sensational Six No by Alfredo Versace. In an interview in the Daily Bulletin here in Seattle Jimmy Cayne stated that his favorite bridge player is Alfredo Versace. The last hand of the morning session – board #27 – in the Reisinger final makes that perfectly clear.







Josef Piekarek kicked off with a Polish C2 to Jack, Queen and Ace. Declarer cashed HA and continued with a diamond to seven and ten. When Alexander Smirnov immediately returned a low diamond declarer let the card ran to the Queen in dummy. Alfredo Versace cashed two top hearts and played a club to the nine, followed by CK (heart from dummy) and DA. At this point Josef Piekarek put his cards back in the board as he was squeezed in the majors. Curtains. 

All in all a sensational slam, made on a double club finesse, an intra-finesse and a squeeze at the same time. At the other table EW went overboard in 6H.  

Post Mortem. Would South have returned a club in stead of a diamond the contract would go down. If declarer would have preserved HA and first had attacked diamonds he would have sufficient communications to his hand. Still, a great play by Versace visualizing the whole hand.



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