Lavazza hires Dennis Bilde for Nationals

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Dennis BildeAfter the victory in Milton Keynes (EBL Champions’ Cup 2015) and Canberra (National Open Teams Championships 2016), Maria Teresa Lavazza decided to hire Dennis Bilde for the Summer Nationals in Washington (July 2016) and the Fall Nationals in Orlando (November/December 2016)

For the Spring Nationals (Reno, 10-20/3) Lavazza will field: Alejandro Bianchedi, Diego Brenner, Norberto Bocchi, Giorgino Duboin, Augustin Madala and Zia Mahmood.

Starting this Summer, Dennis Bilde will take Zia Mahmood’s place. The rest of the team will remain the same.

Zia Mahmood was hired on a two-year contract in 2014 to play the Nationals with the Lavazza team. With Lavazza Zia won the spring Nationals in New Orleans (Vanderbilt 2015)


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