Laura Cecilia Porro


Laura Cecilia Porro was born and grew up in Milan (Italy). In 2008 she moved to Scotland, to study at the University of St Andrews. There she completed a Masters and a PhD in Philosophy. In 2013 she moved to London, to work for the National Health Service (NHS). She now works for a management consultancy company, specialised in the NHS.


Laura Cecilia discovered bridge in 2007. She started attending courses at the Bridge Institute in Milan, under the supervision of Giagio Rinaldi and Franco Di Stefano. After moving to the UK, she became a qualified English Bridge Union (EBU) teacher in 2009 and a professional EBU teacher in 2011. She also became a qualified tournament director in 2010. In 2013 Laura Cecilia represented the Scottish women team in the Home International Series (Lady Milne). While in Scotland, she taught bridge in several schools and education centres. She currently works as a professional player, teacher and author across several clubs in London.


Laura Cecilia started collaborating with Neapolitan Club in autumn 2011, she was our special correspondent from the European Championships in Dublin, where with Jan Van Cleeff she produced the Live Show broadcast by BTCC, the web tv co-produced by Neapolitan Club and NewInBridge (previously Laura Cecilia is also taking care of the Polish edition of our articles.








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