The Bridge24 project

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bridge24The Polish team Bridge24 (Kalita-Nowosadzki, Jagniewski-Gawel) conquered four handed the Spingold, on Sunday 11th of August in Atlanta.

They defeated everybody, for instance Zagorin (Dan Zagorin – Kevin Bathurst, Ricco Van Prooijen – Louk Verhees jr, Bas Drijver – Sjoert Brink), Nickell (Nick Nickell – Ralph Katz, Jeff Meckstroth – Eric Rodwell, Robert Levin – Steve Weinstein), and also new team Gromov (Gromov-Dubinin, Bocchi-Madala, Buras-Narkiewicz), who was one of the favourites but was nonetheless beat Saturday in the semifinal.

Bridge24 is a new team, the expression of a new interesting project, started in Poland just a month ago. We will soon publish a detailed article about Bridge24, with an accurate description of this project. For now we are pleased to present the official site:


Laura Cecilia Porro

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