The 2013 USA Trials to Venice Cup: Today Semi-finals

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usbfThe semi-finals for USA1 are Sprung vs Baker and Westheimer vs Sonsini; they will be played in sixty-four hands. Here’s the final scoring after the Round Robins (remember that the scale is 20-0, and with decimals):

Sprung             129.16

Westheimer     120.28

Baker               103.13

Sonsini            102.84




Not qualified:

Moss                  85,64

Mandala            55,95


At this moment the favourite team has to be Sprung’s (JoAnn Sprung, cpt; Stasha Cohen, Cheri Bjerkan, Rozanne Pollack, Shawn Quinn, Mildred Breed), not only because they are leading, but more for the way they got the result: have won all matches but one against Moss, a non qualified team.

Running scores: click here >>


Paolo Enrico Garrisi

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