2013 World Chess Championship: Anand-Carlsen’s third game

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Today Anand and Carlsen have played the third match, getting the third draw. Carlsen, white, opened Nf3 as in the first game, but at move 3rd switched to c4: 1.Nf3-d5; 2.g3-g6; 3.c4 (instead of Bg2), with the idea, opening the c file, to put under pressure the queenside by the rooks on b1 and c1, the white square bishop and, later, advancing the b-pawn. Anand accepted the challenge: he made 3… dxc4 instead of the sounder c6, which would have better faced the g2 bishop, therefore it was a fought draw, different from the preceding two.

http://chessbomb.com/site/ for the complete game with the accurate comment of the Canadian International Master Aman Ambleton


Picture is courtesy by Chessdom.com

 FIDE World Chess World Championship official site >>



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