Spring 2011 NABC – Vanderbilt Cup: Fleisher wins the final

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Spring 2011 NABC – Vanderbilt Cup: Finals. Martin Fleisher, Michael Kamil, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Robert Levin and Steve Weinstein win the Vanderbilt Cup beating in finals  Joe Gru‘s Team  (Leslie Amoils, Ishmael Delmonte, Curtis Cheek e David Bakhnshi). A thrilling match that kept all the spectators in suspance until the last hands: Grue was in clear advantage at the end of second segment, then the recovery in the third segment and the finesse by Fleisher in the fourth and last segment. So Fleisher crosses the finish line  and wins with +11.

Final score –  Fleisher vs Grue: 126-115

Congratulations to all protagonists in this fascinating match. And we must thank the staff of Bridgewinners.com for the completeness and timeliness of the information offered to follow the event.




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