Rhoda Walsh, attorney, is a bridge theorist and champion: she’s WBF Grand Master and ACBL Grand Life Master; also she places 7th in all time masterpoint list for women. With Paul Soloway, John Swanson, and her ex-husband Richard Walsh, in late sixties Rhoda developed the Two-Over-One Game Forcing System, formerly known as Walsh System.
The Walsh Notrump Notes are the Rhoda Walsh’s study on No Trump openings with their developments either in uncontested and contested auctions. We have parted it in ten chapters. Today we publish the third part of Chapter 4: Jacoby Transfer and Walsh Relay (You can find a concise terminology in Chapter 1: click here »)
Walsh No Trump Notes
by Rhoda Walsh
Chapter IV
Jacoby Transfer and Walsh Relay
Part III
open »
Walsh No Trump Notes by Rhoda Walsh.
Edited by Paolo Enrico Garrisi