Veldhoven 2011 – Venice Cup: The slam of Daniela von Arnim

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Venice Cup: The slam of Daniela von Arnim. This is one of the strongest Venice Cup of all time. Usa2, Usa1, England, China, Sweden, Indonesia, France, Netherlands are, in the order, the eight teams in quarter final. There are three surprises: the qualification of Indonesia (Suci Dewi, Kristina Murniati, Lusje Bojoh, Julita Tueje); the great performance of England (Nevena Senior, Heather Dhondy, Sally Brock, Nicola Smith, Susan Stockdale, Fiona Brown), and the elimination of Germany.

The Italians didn’t qualify. Our women fought stoutly against misfortune and against stronger opponents, but no miracle happened. They however don’t go home empty handed: in the next championships we’ll see a team more capable to struggle, and to lose without dismaying.

The hand we now present was the tenth of the second round, in the match Germany-Netherlands. Dealer East, all vuln.

East opens weak 2♠; Sabine Auken jumps to 4. This is a convention, called Leaping Michaels, that shows a reverse hand with the named minor and the other major; then here are& . West passes.

West North East South

Simons Von Arnim  Pasman  Auken

—         —           2♠           4

Pass ?

Daniela Von Arnim, Sabine’s Partner, had:

♠AQ5KQ94 J83 ♣743

What to do? The strong support in hearts and the help in diamonds – the source of tricks – justify 6♥ at once, as she did. The complete hand:





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