USA 1 versus USA 2 Bermuda Bowl Challenge Match

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Bermuda Bowl challenge match this Sunday, September 18th 2011,  3PM New York Time. Bridge Base Online (BBO) and BridgeWinners sponsor a showcase match between the two Open USA teams participating in the upcoming World Championships. The FLEISHER Team (USA 1: Marty Fleisher, Michael Kamil, Bobby Levin, Steve Weinstein, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby) will face off against BATHURST (USA 2: Kevin Bathurst, Dan Zagorin, Joe Grue, Justin Lall, John Hurd, Joel Wooldridge).

BBO has put up a prize fund of $2,000 to the winning team for a charity of their choice.

The match will be played over 48 boards, in three 16-board sets with each pair playing 32 boards

Voice commentary by Kit Woolsey, Gavin Wolpert, Jan van Cleeff and Roland Wald.

Meet USA1 >>

Meet USA2 >>

Galvin Wolpert presents us the Teams >>



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