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Silvio Sbarigia is a pharmacist; he was born in Rome and lives there. He has won the European championship in 1975, runner up at 1974’s and at Olympic games of 1976. His bridge problems aren’t difficult; just we need to think on a plan and to avoid the instinctive playing. Solution will be published into fews days. As usual, mind the title and … Have fun!
Silvio Sbarigia’s quiz 15th: “Touching the void”.
North (Dummy): ♠K63 ♥862 ♦Q86 ♣Q1063
South (Declarer): ♠— ♥AKQ1093 ♦AK742 ♣A3
The auction:
South | West | North | East |
– |
– |
– |
1♠ |
Double | 3♠ | Pass | Pass |
4♠ | Pass | 5♣ | Pass |
6♥ | All pass |
West leads ♠10. Make your plan.
The movie “Touching the void” tells a mountain story actually happened on Mount Siula Grande (6344 meters, 20813 ft) in the Peruvian Andes. A climber fell; alone, with a broken leg, he courageously faced the descent of the glacier with high risk of falling into hidden crevasses.
The Declarer starts the trick 8th
In this hand, if the diamonds will run we have twelve tricks. It need then make a plan for the diamond’s 4-1 break and for the 3-1 trumps (with 2-2’s trump, the lacking trick will come from ruff; with the 4-0’s it will not come at all).
We have to note that the ♣A and the ♣K must be both in East, otherwise he couldn’t have enough for opening; the missing trick (if diamonds are 4-1 and trumps are 3-1) then could come from a suited throwing in after cleared ♥s and ♦s.
It need not else: ruff the ♠ lead, draw two trumps; West discards a spade on the second trump trick. Now, with the courage of that climber, play ♦ Ace and King! East could ruff with his remaining trump, but after he should move under one of his head cards, ♣K or ♠A, and, furthermore, the Dummy would retain a trump for ruffing a diamond.
The complete deal
Then West is forced to duck and we follow the march on ice, that is insisting with a diamond toward the Queen. Now we enter in hand ruffing a spade and play a diamond again, discarding the ♠K on it! (Trick 8th diagram).
West eventually can take by his ♦J, but he now has to play spade – allowing ruff and sluff – or club, allowing the ♣J finesse. If it will work, the contract is made. If it does not, nothing could have saved it.