On the 4th of November, under the provisions of parafraph 14.3 of the SBF Disciplinary Rules, the Swedish Bridge Federation (SBF) sent a letter to inform that a
“Disciplinary sanction imposed on Johan Upmark (SBF24498) member of BK S:t Erik, Stockholm. He has been found guilty of unfair play online and has been suspended from SBF membership for a period of 18 months.
The period of the suspension runs from 15 October 2021 to 14 April 2023 inclusive. Under the paragraph 14.2 of the SBF Disciplinary Rules, he may not play in any open competition or practice any other bridge related function within the SBF for the period of the suspension”.
According to the EBL by-laws, all NBOs within the EBL shall recognize the EBL’s and each other’s suspensions and expulsions, without examining the reason therefore.
According the WBF, each NBO is asked to recognise, mutatis mutandis, these suspensions in accordance with Article 18 of the WBF Statutes which states: ” Each member and Zonal Conference must accept and respect all decisions taken by other members and/or Zonal Conferences in disciplinary matters. In particular, all members and Zonal Conferences shall apply and enforce sanctions of other members or Zonal Conferences or of the WBF (including for the avoidance of doubt suspensions or bans) within their geographical jurisdiction, provided that such sanction respects the principles set out in these Statutes and in any other WBF Regulations. All sanctions must be reported to the WBF in a timely manner by the member and/or Zonal Conference imposing the same. The WBF may, at its discretion, decide to apply a sanction rendered by a member or a Zonal Conference to the events under its jurisdiction and/or grant worldwide effect to it. All decisions rendered by the WBF in application of this Article shall be final and binding on all members and Zonal Conferences.
According to a SBF board decision, cases and rulings handled by the SBF Disciplinary Committee are published on SBF’s website: click here »
The Upmark’s Sentence is archived as “DN 2008”.