Peter Goodman comments Madala’s killing lead

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Listen to the Auction. Killing leads always involve listening, and understanding the bidding. Our friend Peter Goodman lives in Ireland but play for Wales, his country. He recently won the 2010 Memorial Shapiro  and the 2011 Camrose Trophy. Also he plays in InterCity League in Wales United Team. Peter sent us an interesting problem on leading, from an hand played in the last Bermuda Bowl.


Lets talk you through Augustin Madala’s likely thinking. East has 6 or 7 Diamonds but too good to Pre-empt over 1♣. West has both majors and 2 or 3 Diamonds. I see one Spade, possibly a club and another major suit winner with Bocchi. This will probably go one off but not two and may even make, so I won’t double for 3 imps. Now West will be short in Clubs but declarer will likely have a shortage in one of the majors too so might discard his clubs if we are not active. Partner may even have ♠Kxx.

He then found the % lead of ?

Killing Lead: 9!


East will win and play Q♠, you must play small. He will probably then switch to the ♣3, you must rise with the ♣Q to play a second Diamond. On another day the Ace spades lead will defeat the contract but the percentageis for a Diamond.


Contributed by Peter Goodman for Neapolitan Club

(November 29, 2011)


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