PBU: A New Decision on Latala’s Case

The Polish Bridge Union (PBU) suspended all Latała’s director’s rights for 3 years.

On the 25th of February, the Polish Bridge Unione suspended for 3 monthes Slawomir Latala because he used his yellow BBO account inappropriately.

Since Latała is not only a player, but also a high-ranking bridge judge, PBU decided that he cannot direct national/ international torunaments for 3 years.

PBU Statement: “The PZBS Discipline Department punished the competitor Stanisław Latała (membership number 7060) for a serious violation of the standards of sports competition (resolution 55/2020 / 2016-2020). Since Stanisław Latała is not only a player, but also a high-ranking bridge judge, and his actions violated paragraph 2.4 of the Judging Regulations, the Committee of the PZBS Board, on this basis, and taking into account the recommendation of the EBL Judging Committee, acting in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Judging Regulations, stripped the judge Stanisław Latała of the title of State and International Judge for a period of 3 years”.


Source: PBU

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