Italian Championships: request submitted about Norwegian players partecipation

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The Varese ‘s Team submitted written request of clarification about the partecipation of  Norwegian players with Angelini’s Team.  They refer to  Article  22 of   FIGB Regulation  approved by the CONI National Government  by resolution 17 of 01.19.2007. 

The article 22 of the “Regolamento Organico” rules that the strangers can play in the Italian Teams Championship, but no more than two per team of six players, and under condition of have their home in Italy.

The team Angelini could have broken the second condition, the residence. In facts, the limit of two stranger players per team of six is respected because, in this championship, the teams can employ as many Italian players as they want.

In the meanwhile Giancarlo Astore‘s conditions do not improve: the Varese’s Team, who was hospitalized yesterday for an illness, is not able to resume playing and is returning to Milan accompanied by his friend and partner Uggeri.


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