OCBL: Cédric Lorenzini’s Statement

With an open letter published on today’s OCBL bulletin, Cédric Lorenzin stated the followings: ” As I was very interested in how our team was doing, I started to use a side connection from time to time to check the scores or to follow the play as dummy. To be honest, I didn’t think this was a big deal but it was ethically wrong as not knowing the score of your match is part of the game. […] One day in early June, of my own accord, I realized that my actions were not acceptable, so I stopped. […] Online bridge blurred the lines. Regrettably, I exercised poor judgment in the early days. I am sorry that I acted this way and I hope we can move on together.”

Some weeks ago OCBL  published a statement inviting players to publically admit any violation of the ethical conduct of bridge.

You can read full Lorenzini’s statement on OCBL Bulletin # 5 (Friday, 6 November 2020).



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