Boye’s War: “The Sheriff of Bridge”

TV2 02Tommy Gulliksen and Trond Høines made a documentary about Boye Brogeland and his work to clean the game of bridge from cheating. This documentary was brodcasted by a popular Norwegian TV, TV2 on April 6th, 2016. It is finally translated to English from Norwegian and it is available on Vimeo as a pay per view:

Gulliksen and Høines wrote:What is the price to pay for being a whistleblower in the world of sports? This documentary follows the professional bridge player Boye Brogeland. He got his life turned upside down after speaking up about a possible scandal that would shake the bridge community. Boye Brogeland’s boyhood dream came true when making it as a professional bridge player. He has traveled the world earning millions. During a big tournament in Chicago, Boye started suspecting that top-ranked players were cheating. He had no proof, but knew something was wrong. The bridge unions would not take the matter further, and the family father risked his own career and finances by going public with the allegations. A month before the World Cup, Boye named four of the world’s best bride partners as cheaters. Suddenly bridge was making news headlines worldwide with Boye Brogeland in the eye of the storm. We Boye from the time before the fateful event in Chicago until the cheating cases were settled in 2016.”

Here you can read the interview to Trond Høines realized by Laura Camponeschi for Neapolitan Club: click here »




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