2015 Vanderbilt: Semifinals

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van semifinals2015 Vanderbilt Knockout Teams – In the Quartefinals Diamond defeated Drijver by 148-73, Team Assael defeated Monaco by 136-122, Lavazza defeated Cayne by 157-68 and Fleischer won over Goldberg by 125-96. The Semifinals are scheduled today at the Marriott in New Orleans.

During the second segment, James Cayne was affected by a sudden illness: the match was temporarily interruputed and the team was penalized 3 IMPs/board for 6 unplayed boards. Cayne was firstly examined by the paramedics at Marriot, then he was taken in hospital. As reported by BBO, Cayne is out of the hospital and back in the hotel now.



Diamond (John Diamond, Brian Platnick, Eric Greco, Geoff Hampson, Marc Jacobus, Eddie Wold ) vs Fleischer (Martin Fleisher, Chip Martel, Sabine Auken, Roy Welland, Chris Willenken, Michael Rosenberg)

Lavazza (Giorgio Duboin, Zia Mahmood, Norberto Bocchi, Agustin Madala) vs Team Assael (Mustafa Cem Tokay, Antonio Sementa, Josef Piekarek,  Alexander Smirnov)



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