Walsh System notes: Forcing Notrump – by Rhoda Walsh (3)

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Chapter Three of Annotations by Rhoda Walsh on the 1 Notrump game forcing  response in the “2 over 1 game forcing system” (Walsh System).  In this chapter Rhoda Walsh explains us the Responder’s Rebids.  The Chapter Three is divided into ten paragraphs; We publish today the first paragraph: III. §1. Opener Rebids 2♣ or 2: 12 to 17 HCP; three or more card minor; nonforcing. In the following days we will publish the remaining nine paragraphs of Chapter Three and Chapters Four and Five.

Walsh System Notes

 Forcing Notrump


Chapter III

III. Responder’s Rebids

III. §1. Opener Rebids 2 ♣ or 2: 12 to 17 HCP; three or more card minor; nonforcing

Pass by Responder. Strong preference for Opener’s minor. 6 to 9 HCP. Fewer than three cards in Opener’s major.

Responder holds two or fewer cards in Opener’s major and a five or more card minor fit, or zero-one card in Opener’s major and a three or more card minor fit.

Note: Responder gives priority to bidding her own six card diamond suit (after a 2♣ rebid by Opener), or five or more card heart suit, rather than pass with fewer than five cards in Opener’s minor.

2 by Responder (after a 2♣ rebid by Opener): 1/1♠-1NT; 2♣-2. Six or more diamonds: 6 to 8 HCP. Denies three or more cards in Opener’s major. Nonforcing. Opener may pass with a singleton diamond.

2 by Responder (after a 1♠ opening bid): 1♠-1NT; 2♣/2-2. Five or more hearts. 6 to 9 HCP with five hearts; 6-8 HCP with six hearts. Denies three or more spades. Nonforcing.

Opener’s rebids: Opener may not pass with a singleton or void heart. Opener rebids her five or more card spade suit, five or more card minor, four card other minor, or 2NT (holding 16 to 17 HCP). Nonforcing.

Responder may not pass Opener’s 2♠ rebid with a singleton or void in spades. She makes the most appropriate call available. Exception: holding a singleton spade and three small or fewer in Opener’s minor, Responder is permitted to pass a 2♠ rebid by Opener: 1♠-1NT; 2-2; 2♠-Pass.

Note:A 3 rebid by Responder shows a good six card heart suit with 6 to 8 HCP and a singleton or void spade: 1♠-1NT; 2-2; 2♠-3.

Two of Opener’s major by Responder:1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2♦-2/2♠. Responder’s delayed raise shows one of two types of hands:

A non-constructive single raise. Three or four card support for Opener’s major. 6 to 7 PSP [Playing Strength Points; see the note on chapter I, General – Point Count Requirements]. Nonforcing. Responder prefers Opener’s major holding three card support for the major, regardless of Responder’s length in Opener’s minor.

A preference . Two cards in Opener’s major. 6 to 9 HCP.

– After 1♠-1NT; 2♣: 2♠ by Responder, if merely a preference, denies five clubs, five hearts, or six diamonds. Nonforcing. Holding four clubs and two spades (and lacking five hearts or six diamonds), Responder rebids 2♠. Rationale: Opener may be rebidding a three card minor.

– After 1-1NT-2♣: 2 by Responder, if merely a preference, denies five or more clubs or six or more diamonds. Nonforcing. Holding four clubs and two hearts (and lacking six diamonds) rebids 2.

– After 1♠-1NT; 2: 2♠ by Responder, if merely a preference, denies five diamonds or five hearts. Nonforcing. Holding four diamonds and two spades (and lacking five hearts), Responder rebids 2♠.

– After 1-1NT; 2: 2 by Responder, if merely a preference, denies five diamonds. Nonforcing. Holding four diamonds and two hearts, Responder rebids 2♥.

Opener’s rebids after Responder’s delayed raise:

– Holding a minimum opening bid (11 to 15 HCP), Opener passes: 1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2; 2/2♠-Pass.

– Holding extra values (16 to 17 HCP) and a balanced hand, Opener rebids 2NT. Game invitational.

– Holding extra values and a distributional hand:

a) Holding only five cards in her major, Opener rebids a five card minor, or a second three or four card minor:1♥/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2-2/♠; 3/3♣. Game invitational.

b) Holding a six card major, Opener raises to three of her major.

Note:this sequence guarantees a six card major inasmuch as Responder may have only two cards in Opener’s major.

2♠ by Responder (after a 1 opening bid): 1-1NT; 2♣/2♦-2♠. Conventional bid. Shows 10 to 12 HCP, lacking a spade stopper for notrump. Denies three hearts. Forcing to 2NT or three of Opener’s minor.

Opener’s rebids holding a spade stopper:

– With a minimum hand (11 to 13 HCP), Opener rebids 2NT: 1-1NT;2♣/2-2♠; 2NT. Signoff.

– With extra values (14 to 17 HCP), Opener rebids 3NT (signoff)

Opener’s rebids lacking a spade stopper:

– With a minimum hand (11 to 13 HCP), Opener makes the most appropriate three level call available. Nonforcing.

– With extra values (14 to 17 HCP):

a) Holding a partial spade stopper, Opener bids 3♠: 1-1NT; 2♣/-2♠; 3♠. Forcing.

b) Lacking a partial spade stopper: Opener makes the most appropriate four level call available.

2NT by Responder:1/♠-1NT; 2♣/2-2NT. This shows 10 to 12 HCP hand. Game invitational. May be unbalanced.

The 2NT rebid denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major, but it does not deny a five card heart suit (after a 1♠ opening bid), nor does it deny a six card club suit (after a 2 rebid by Opener).

The 2NT rebid neither shows nor denies stoppers in any particular suit, except that it shows a spade stopper (after a 1 opening bid).

Opener’s rebids:

– Holding a minimum opening bid (11 to 13 HCP), Opener passes over 2NT, as any rebid by Opener is forcing.

– Holding extra values (14 to 17 HCP):

a) With a six card major, Opener rebids her major at the three level: 1/♠-1NT; 2♣/-2NT;-3/3♠. Game forcing.

b) With a five or more card minor, Opener rebids her minor at the three level. Forcing to 3NT or four of Opener’s minor.

c) With 5-4-3-1 distribution, Opener bids her three card suit at the three level. E.g.: 1♠-1NT; 2-2NT;-3♣. Forcing to 3NT or four of any suit. Rationale: to warn Responder of a singleton in the unbid suit.

d) With a three card heart holding (after a 1♠ opening bid), Opener, accepting the game invitation, bids a three card heart suit along the way:1♠-1NT; 2-2NT; 3♥. Game forcing. Rationale: Responder may have bypassed a five card heart suit.

e) With any other balanced 14 to 17 HCP hand, Opener raises to 3NT.

Three of Opener’s minor by Responder:1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2♦-3♣/3. Shows five or more card support for Opener’s minor. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Game invitational. High card point range: 9 to 12 HCP.

Opener’s rebids.

With a minimum opening bid, Opener passes.

With extra values, Opener rebids 3NT (signoff), rebids a six card major (game forcing), bids a third suit (forcing, seeking a stopper in the fourth suit for notrump), raises to four of her minor (game invitational), or raises to five of her minor (signoff), depending on her distribution and strength.

Three of the other minor by Responder (Opener rebids 2♣): 1/1♠-1NT; 2♣-3♦.

3 by Responder shows six or more diamonds and 9 to 11 HCP: Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Game invitational.

Opener’s rebids. With a minimum opening bid, Opener passes; she may pass with a singleton diamond. Rationale: Any non-game rebid by Opener is forcing one round.

With extra values: Opener either rebids a six card major (forcing), 3NT (signoff), the unbid major (fourth suit forcing) if needing a stopper for notrump in the unbid major, or raises Responder’s minor to the four (invitational) or five (signoff) level

Three of the other minor by Responder (Opener rebids 2): 1♠-1NT; 2-3♣.

3♣ by Responder shows six or more clubs and 8 to 11 HCP: Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Game invitational.

Opener’s rebids: Opener uses discretion in bidding further, inasmuch as Responder may be limited.

3 by Responder (after a 1♠ opening bid): 1♠-1NT; 2♣(2♦)-3♥. Six or more hearts. 9 to 11 HCP. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Game invitational.

Opener’s rebids. With a minimum opening bid, Opener passes. With extra values:

a) Holding Qx or better: Opener raises to 4. Signoff.

b) Lacking Qx or better: Opener rebids a six card spade suit at the three level (forcing), or rebids a five card minor at the four level (forcing), or 3NT (nonforcing), depending on her distribution.

Note:If it appears most appropriate, Opener raises to 4 on less than Qx.

Three of Opener’s major by Responder:1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2-3/3♠. Delayed limit raise Three card support for Opener’s major. 10 to 12 PSP. Game invitational.

Opener’s rebids. With a minimum opening bid (12 to 13 PSP), Opener passes. With extra values (14+ PSP):

a) Holding 5-3-3-2 distribution (with 14+ HCP): Opener rebids 3NT. Nonforcing, but Responder returns to four of the partnership major unless holding specifically 4-3-3-3 distribution, with three trumps.

b) Holding any other type hand with extra values: Opener raises to game in her major.

3NT by Responder:1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/2-3NT. A balanced 13 to 14 HCP. Doubleton in Opener’s major. Nonforcing.

If the opening bid was 1, the 3NT rebid denies four or more spades; if the opening bid was 1♠, the 3NT rebid denies five or more hearts. Nonforcing.

Note: Inasmuch as we systemically use an immediate 2NT response to partner’s one of a major opening bid as a Jacoby 2NT bid, the standard 2NT response showing a balanced 13 to 14 HCP is unavailable. Therefore, we utilize this Forcing Notrump sequence to show that hand.

Opener’s rebids:

– Lacking slam interest: Opener either passes, rebids a six card major at the four level (signoff), or rebids a five or more card minor at the four level (game forcing), depending on her distribution.

– With slam interest: Opener either rebids 4NT, quantitative (i.e., invitational in notrump) or 5♣, RKCSG (Roman Keycard Super Gerber) in her minor (the last naturally bid suit), depending on her strength and distribution.

Four of Opener’s minor by Responder:1/1♠-1NT; 2♣/-4♣/. Five or more card support for Opener’s minor. Highly distributional. 10 to 11 HCP. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s major. Game forcing.

Opener’s rebids:

– With no slam interest: Opener either rebids a six card major (nonforcing) or raises to five of her minor (signoff)

With slam interest: Opener either cue bids up-the-line (bypassing her own major) or rebids 4NT, RKCB in her minor, depending on the structure of her hand.

4 by Responder (after a 1♠ opening bid):1♠-1NT; 2♣/2-4. Natural. Signoff. Seven or more hearts. A preemptive-type hand. Denies a three or more card fit for Opener’s spade suit.


 by Rhoda Walsh for Neapolitan Club (Edited by Paolo Enrico Garrisi)

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