Online the new website of IMSA (International Mind Sport Ass.)

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Now you can access the new website of IMSA: (International Mind Sport Association): The International Mind Sport Association (IMSA)  was created in April 2005 in Berlin – Germany- under the aegis of SportAccord, with four founder members: The World Bridge Federation (WBF); The Fédération Internationale des Echecs (FIDE); The Fédération Mondiale des Jeux de Dames (FMJD) and the The International Go Federation (IGF).

The aim of IMSA is to unite these Mind Sports in the organization of the World Mind Sports Games an event which first took place in October 2008 in Beijing –China.

The second edition of the World Mind Sport Games will be played  in  August 2012. IMSA President is Mr Josè Damiani.

Visit  IMSA new website:



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