Eric Rodwell intrigued by Lauria’s Gazzilli

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Eric Rodwell, editor of the Topic Collection, was intrigued by Lauria’s Topic: “I have never played Gazilli in part because before now I never knew exactly how it worked. I’m very excited that our site has the key to one of the most elusive expert conventions, in such detail!”

Gazzilli à la Lauria has been published today on  In this Topic many times world champion Lorenzo Lauria deals in depth with rebid options after 1H-1S, 1H-NT and 1S-1NT. His version of the Gazzilli convention especially leads to precise bidding when points between opener and responder are split 15-10, 16-9, 17-8.

 Excerpt of Chapter 1: Introduction

This Topic is about solving certain rebid problems that may occur after an opening in one of a major

Standard bidding often leaves many questions open on HCP range and distribution. For instance, what is the precise difference between:

1 – 1NT

2 or 3 ?


1♠ – 1NT

 2♠ or 3♠ ?

And is the following forcing or not:

1♠ – 1NT

 2 ?

Gazzilli à la Lauria supplies solutions for these and many other bidding sequences. The method enables a partnership to describe accurrately almost any handtypes of opener and responder. It therefore doesn’t come as a surprise that experts more and more make use of this approach or of similar methods. 


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