IBF – Special Ethics Committee: Updates (5)

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Israel logoThe Special Ethics Committee (SEC) issued today a new statement concerning the Fisher-Schwartz Affair. These are the highlights.

There are two main allegations against Lotan Fisher and Ron Schwartz:

a) The first allegation is that  Fisher and Schwartz signaled their preferred suit for the opening lead by the placement of the board on the table.

b) The second allegation is that Fisher and Schwartz passed illegal information between them by coughing.

Fisher and Schwartz requested to receive the names of the drafters of the “Israeli Doctors” documents which relate to the allegation of conveying information through coughing. The Special Ethics Commitee received the drafters’ permission di disclose their names. The drafters are: Amir Levin, Bar Tarnovkly and Eldad Ginossar. The document detailing a stitistical analysis of the coughing was drafted by Ofir Reshef.

The SEC determinates that oral hearings whereby Fisher and Schwartz will present their arguments will be conducted on November 8 and November 10, 2015. These hearings shall be filmed and recorded, and transcribed.

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