Doping case in Italian Bridge

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coni logo 3The Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) declares that “a player has been found positive in the anti-doping analyses run by Rome’s Laboratory. Traces of hydrochlorothiazide and chlorothiazide have been found in Roberto Rivera, player belonging to the Italian Bridge Federation, in the sample taken by the Control Committee of CONI NADO (National Anti-Doping Organization) on 1st of June 2013 in Salsomaggiore during the Italian Mixed Teams Championships.

The Anti-Doping Public Prosecutor Office requested that the National Anti-Doping Court (TNA) suspend the athlete as a precautionary measure”.

Roberto Rivera took part in the Italian Mixed Teams Championships in team Hugony – ASD N. CANOTTIERI OLONA (with Fabrizio Hugony, Roberto Rivera, Barbara Dessi, Vera Tagliaferri, Leonardo Cima, Laura Consonni), who ended up fifth in the Excellence series.

The Italian Mixed Teams Championships have been held in Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma, Italy) between 30/5 and 2/6 2013.


source: CONI

*** Update***

We welcome this note, which we publish below:

I have read the news about the doping case, and I think it is necessary to clarify that the player involved had notified, before the test, that he was taking many medications for his heart. Moreover, he had the appropriate documents (in the hotel), but he did not hand them in earlier, because he did not know he had to. If one wants to follow strictly the Anti-Doping code, he did violate it, however I think the news should be downsized.

Maurizio Di Sacco 

(FIGB, EBL and WBF Chief Tournament Director)

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