Bertrand Romanet: Total Bridge

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 Bertrand Romanet
 Total Bridge

Sometimes, especially in partial contracts, and above all in NT contracts, when the dummy goes down the player is faced with a situation which to say the least, is discouraging: the suit to be developed is a 4-2 (the 4-3 has only spot cards, better not touch it) and there is no suit with two adjoining honors.

 We’ll have to cede the hand to the opponents often, that is obvious, but when? We don’t know where to start, we’d like to put down the cards, prop our elbows on the table and sob feebly.

 This all changes when you have read “Bridge total” by Bertrand Romanet. What first looked like an treacherous jungle full of insidious traps, turns into an exciting path, a challenge we can face. We may lose the challenge but now we’re prepared for the hazards.


NB: Before reading this book you’re advised to read the Trezel-Reese books.


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