BBO InterCity League: Final!

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 On Wednesday May 19th  20:45 CET (GMT+1)

Paolo Garrisi introduces his team: Ascoli Piceno. 

I have founded the team Ascoli Piceno four years ago. Three players are still in the team since that time: Carlo Totaro (K 51 bis in BBO), Fabio Colasante (Hpm404), and me (Turbin). ICL (Intercity League) is the Open Teams championship in BBO; it’s held twice a year, on Spring and Autumn times.

 We have won our first ICL in 2007 Spring edition, defeating Gdansk in final. In that final played also Debora Campagnano (Debc), and Rosa Tamburelli (Minutambu). We have won again in 2009 Spring.

In this edition we are in final: on Wednesday 19th, we’ll face the other finalist, Wales United. We’ll start at 20:45 CET (GMT+1). The kibitzers can join: right click the captain’s names, Turbin and Coch Draig, and join the table.

 In the team are some singles: Simona, Luca, Giancarlo, Michelangelo. Being odd, they enter as substitutes. A pair, Salvatore and Daniela, is in the team but has never played this year because family or work duties.

The core of the team is the pair Costel Lung – Carlo Totaro (Berynger-K 51 bis). Costel Lung is a strong Romanian champion. Carlo Totaro is a mathematic; as bridgeplayer, he’s one of the strongest in Europe: he has won twice the Italian Championship (four times runner up).

Costel and Carlo became partners in the Team, playing a somehow unusual system: a Walsh 2o1 style without the forcing 1NT. Carlo doesn’t speak English and Costel doesn’t understand Italian. I’m interpreter between them, then they are always happy together and never have quarrels bidding or playing: all the misunderstandings come from me, the interpreter.

 In the other table we have a group of three players: Hpm404 (Fabio), Tiffenau (Piero Millevoi), and me. Fabio and Piero are physician; I’m pharmacist. We all play the Eugenio Chiaradia’s 1967 Neapolitan Club; the site is dedicated to the system, see Outline for the main features. In very few words: strong club, 4CM, Punitive double and Principle of Preparedness. About the Principle of preparedness: read in Outline. About the low level double: read the complaints when the declarer makes.


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