Bathurst wins the Final of 2011 American Trials

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The team Bathurst wins the Final of 2011 American Trials. They first defeated Mahaffey, then Nickell and Wolfson, and now Diamond. They will be USA 2 in the Bermuda Bowl that will be held in Veldhoven, Netherlands, in October (USA 1’s are: Fleisher-Kamil, Levin-Weinstein, Martel-Stansby).

The players of Team Bathurst are young: Justin Lall is 24 yo, Joe Grue 29, the others little more. They aren’t still well known, at least in Europe, but there are not doubts that we Italians will learn well their names: Kevin Bathurst, Dan Zagorin, Justin Lall, Joe Grue, John Hurd, Joel Woolridge.


See full score >>


Thanks to Fernando Lema for the photomontage of winning team:

The pictures are made by  Peg Kaplan.


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