2016 United States Bridge Championship – Final, first day: Diamond is leading

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usbf logo 2Diamond is leading the final of 2016’s USBC. This is the result so far, after sixty out of 120 boards:

Fleisher: 96. Marty Fleisher, Chip Martel, Ishmael Del’Monte, Chris Willenken, Joe Grue, Brad Moss.

Diamond: 149. John Diamond, Brian Platnik, Eric Greco, Geoff Hampson, Kevin Bathurst, Justin Lall.


In the fourth fifteen board segment, Fleisher rescued twenty-one imps. Today the end, starting at 18.00 CET (17.00 GMT, 12.00 EST).


The winner will play as Open United States at World Bridge Games, once called Olympiad, that will take place at Wroclaw, in Poland, from 3rd to 17th September 2016. Unlike Bermuda Bowl, the World Bridge Games allow only one team per nation.





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