2013 World Chess Championship: Draws in first two games

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Anand-Carlsen-game-2 (chessdom.com)

Saturday 9 November in India, in Chennai, started on the match for the title of world champion of chess between Anand and the young Norwegian Carlsen. First two games has been equalized, first game in 16 moves and second in 25 moves with big disappointment of people watching the match and expecting instead much more pugnacity from both players.

It is clear from the beginning of the match the line of behavior of players, both will play very solid expecting the right moment to strike his opponent, while public and journalists will hope to watch very combative and interesting games and not so boring like first two.

It is clear anyway that the world of chess is fan of Carlsen, because he represents a big news in chess, the youth, and a brilliant style of chess, as he showed in many important tournaments he played before. Next game will go on Tuesday 12 November and we hope to watch an important and brilliant game of chess.


Sergio Mariotti


(Picture is courtesy by Chessdom.com)

 FIDE World Chess World Championship official site >>

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