2013 Bali Venice Cup: USA2 changes the captain

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usbfThe USA2 team just qualified to Venice Cup has a new captain; Valerie Westheimer, playing captain during Trials, had  to withdraw – as reported by BridgeWinners – being substituted by Janice Seamon Molson as partner of Hjordis Eythorsdottir, and by Sue Picus as not playing captain.

It was difficult to find better; Sue Picus is a great player and has great international experience; it was she who won the 1991, 1993 and 2003’s Venice Cups, and the 1994’s McConnell Cup; and it was she who captained the USA team to the third place at 2008 World Bridge Games.

Between the 2003’s Venice Cup winners also there was Janice Seamon Molson, the Valerie’s substitute as player; she also won the 2006’s McConnell – it was in Verona – and the 2011’s Sportaccord World Games.

The third pair added to the team – they won the Trials playing as foursome – is by Migry zur Campanile, who won the mixed team at 2000’s Olympic Games in Maastricht, and Jill Meyers.

Jill is another great championess: she won five world championships in the last fifteen years, and five times got the second place.

The Valerie Westheimer’s regret at not going Bali is a little mitigated by the awareness to have well provided for her team.


Paolo Enrico Garrisi

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